How to Repair Bare Spots on Leather

One of the most common repairs you will face when working on leather is bare spots. Bare spots are when the leather has been worn down by over use that the protective layer is gone. This is often found on steering wheels, center consoles and furniture. The fix to this is really simply. 

  1. Sand the area with 400 or 600 grit sandpaper until the area is smooth.
  2. Use a water-based cleaner (ex. XXX Universal Cleaner) and a solvent prep (ex. Plastic and Leather Prep) to remove all contaminates from the area.
  3. Next, squeeze out a couple drops of a Leather Primer/Sealer (ex. Pro 1) and spread it lightly over the bare spot. (You can use your gloved finger or a trowel knife to do so.)
  4. Let it air dry.
  5. Once dry, run your finger over it to check for any rough spots. If so, repeat the repair. (If the area is still rough after a second sanding and application then you may need to switch to an air dry compound.)
  6. Apply your color over the repair and your job is done.

This is usually the easiest repair you will come across. This method can also be used on very light surface scratches.

You can find everything you need HERE!

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