About Us
For over 50 years, we’ve been supplying products to repair vinyl and leather to professional repair technicians around the world. We also supply training manuals and videos, in house training, starter kits and much more!
If you are looking for a company that has everything you need and is knowledgeable and responsive - you have found it here at Vinyl Pro! We are fully capable of supplying both the professional repair technician and the beginner or hobbyist. If you have a project that you just don’t think you can get done on you own, we can direct you to one of our many trade professional customers.
Our goal is to provide the best products available at a fair price with the best service in the industry. If we sell it, we stock it. If a product has replacement parts—we stock those as well. Over 97% of orders received by 3:00pm est. ship the same day. Have questions? We’re here to help. Call us, email us or drop by. We’ll do our best to take care of any questions or issues right away.
If you’re in the professional repair business, think of us as your warehouse and tech support!
Vinyl Pro …. Where the Pros Go!

Meet Our Team
We are a small company who works together to get you the products you need in a timely manner. We all answer the phone, take orders and try to answer any questions you have. If we do not know the answer, we will find someone who does.
Mark Watson
Mark purchased Vinyl Pro in 2010 and his passion for this industry has only grown since then. He is always on the search for the best products on the market.
Robin Watson
Robin is co-owner with her husband, Mark. She runs our shipping department. Also, if you call in her voice is the one you will probably hear on the other end.
Tino Avila
Tino is our warehouse manager. He also helps in the shipping department. If you need to speak Spanish, just ask for Tino when you call.
Annette VanHook
Annette is our accountant. She handles all our account receivables. If you have any questions about an invoice, she is the one to speak to.
Taylor Orr
Taylor runs our website, marketing and designs our labels. She also is our tech support for the Color Coach Pro.
Scott Jacobs
Scott is our color matcher. He creates custom colors for our customers. He also creates our grain molds and other products in our lab.
Kenny West
Kenny is our in house trainer and tech support. He can answer any question about any repair you are working on.
(678) 231-5680
Katy Metzler
Katy works our front desk. She welcomes all customers into our storefront and manages all customer correspondence.
Paul Smoak
Paul is our inside sales representative. If you have an order to place, would like a quote or have any questions or concerns he is the one to reach out to.
Anabel Avila
Anabel is everyone's right hand. She helps in our lab, making our products, she helps in shipping as well as accounting.